
Archive for December 10th, 2008

Can it be spring now?

I hate winter.  Despise it.  Hate going out into the cold, hate snow, hate cold wind and bad roads and naked trees and short days and long nights and the general greyness that is winter.  Bring me some spring.  So here it is early December, we haven’t even had a “real” snowfall yet (we did get an inch or so last week), and I am done.  Done, done, done.  On the bright side, it has been pretty warm here for December the past day or two, and it’s raining like crazy now (as opposed to the snow that the midwest got dumped with), so I guess there are some positives to speak of.  Still, it’s cold and grey and yucky and I hate it.

Yesterday I felt like I’d been run over by a truck, and as such spent the entire day in bed.  I slept, a lot, and when I tired of sleeping I slept some more.  I think I finally woke up around 4 PM.  Nothing specific, just a general yuckiness.  It seems to be mostly gone today, so I’m hopeful it was just a passing funk.  I get so tired of feeling bad.

My computer is fixed, it needed a new cord.  Hubby did that yesterday while I was busy hibernating.  I’m happy, because while the other computer was functional it wasn’t nearly as comfy as my little corner here and I missed it.

I think we’re going to get our Christmas tree up sometime in the very near future… We aren’t doing much this year, but I did get a few gifts for each child and Santa needs a place to put them!  Plus I just always enjoy the lights of a Christmas tree, it’s kind of a magical glow.

I have some new pictures of my youngest 2 that I’ll post when I get motivated to scan them in, they turned out very cute (was there any doubt!)  

That pretty much concludes the oh-so-exciting news from here for today.  Not much to report, thankfully, besides me still feeling like crap which isn’t news really.

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